Hi hun, your blog is lovely, I admire people who knows how to handle HTML code and make so stunning stuffs, so tidy, etc. My blog was arranged by Addie, I just made the designs, but if I want to change it...upps, I will have to ask her how, hahahaha. OBTW hun, where are u from exactly and which is your natural language? I forgot to translate the mega's posts in your language also, but I think your English is pretty good so as me, foreigners we don't need translations, but if you want just let me know...well, just wanted to leave you a big hug and tell you your blog is beautiful, Karen
Mika je rođen 26.04.2006. Na rođenju je imao 4200g i visinu 54cm. Tada nismo ni slutili da smo dobili tako dobrog, lepog i slatkog dečaka. Jedino nam je bilo važno da je živ i zdrav, a sve ostalo je bonus.
Od tada svakodnevno uspeva da nas iznenađuje, raduje i ispunjava nam život. mama Ivana i tata Miloš............
Hi hun, your blog is lovely, I admire people who knows how to handle HTML code and make so stunning stuffs, so tidy, etc. My blog was arranged by Addie, I just made the designs, but if I want to change it...upps, I will have to ask her how, hahahaha. OBTW hun, where are u from exactly and which is your natural language? I forgot to translate the mega's posts in your language also, but I think your English is pretty good so as me, foreigners we don't need translations, but if you want just let me know...well, just wanted to leave you a big hug and tell you your blog is beautiful, Karen